
Newsjacking In a Social World Video

Newsjacking. What is it? How to do it? Why is it important? It’s the new way that brands are communicating with audiences today.

Mon Nov 3rd 2014
Sarah Gibson
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More Than Salary, Work Environment Matters Too

It’s no surprise that some of the biggest companies and corporations are the best places to work. However, when it comes to what makes a good work environment and what makes employees happy, the amount of money the organization

Tue Aug 12th 2014
John Sternal
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Marketing with Kik, WhatsApp, Snapchat and Others

Companies have learned that normal advertising channels don’t impact audiences the way they used to. In an effort to stay up to date and continue to succeed, many organizations have embraced social media as an integral

Wed Jul 30th 2014
John Sternal
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Malaysia Airlines – Time for Rebranding?

Most organizations experience at least one crisis during their existence and are able to recover. Very few are able to recover from multiple crises, especially in a short amount of time. This is what Malaysia Airlines is presently experiencing.

Wed Jul 23rd 2014
Mark Reino
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Greyhound – An Interesting Case Study in Rebranding

Greyhound offers an interesting case study in rebranding today. The time-honored bus/transportation provider needed to undergo a makeover in order to attract new and younger audiences, as well as compete against other forms of popular

Tue Jul 15th 2014
Sarah Gibson
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LeBron James: Basketball Star, Marketing Mogul

LeBron James, one of the NBA’s most popular players, has decided to go back to Cleveland. Opting out of his contract with the Miami Heat, James wanted to test the free agency waters to see if any other teams would take the bait.

Fri Jul 11th 2014
John Sternal
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B2B or B2C? Neither it’s Human to Human

Through the years, B2B and B2C have been markedly different and rightfully so. Marketers aren’t targeting the same audience, so why use the same types of communication to reach them? However, consumers are consumers, and in today’s world of abundant

Wed Jul 2nd 2014
Sarah Gibson
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The Internet of Things

The Internet of Things, or IoT for short, is the new way to establish and remain connected over the Internet. IoT connects people, objects and anything with a unique identifier over a network, transferring data seamlessly without human-to-human

Mon Jun 23rd 2014
Sarah Gibson
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Is Your Mobile Campaign Integrated?

The importance of having an integrated marketing campaign cannot be understated. In order for businesses to be successful and have the best return on investment, it is necessary to reach consumers across all platforms – mobile

Fri Jun 20th 2014
Sarah Gibson
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The Reach of Facebook Advertising

The digital age has turned the advertising model on its head. With the advent of social media and the ease of connectivity, advertisers need to find new ways to reach potential customers. Facebook has been the advertising driving

Tue Jun 17th 2014
Sarah Gibson
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When Is Your Brand Outdated?

A lot of organizations are finding it hard to keep up with their brand identity. It isn’t because they don’t have an online presence; rather their brand is out of date. In this day and age, your brand is what defines you and identifies with customers.

Fri Jun 13th 2014
John Sternal
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How Marketers Can Win the World Cup

Every four years, for a few weeks cultural barriers are overlooked as individuals come together to watch fútbol and to cheer on their favorite team in the World Cup. Millions of fans worldwide tune in to watch as thirty-two teams play their hearts

Tue Jun 10th 2014
Sarah Gibson
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The Importance Of Mobile Marketing Apps

Marketing has always kept up with the times. When organizations began utilizing web pages to create business momentum, it was the first step in moving toward the

Fri Jun 6th 2014
Sarah Gibson
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Evidence Marketing Elevates Sales For The Construction Industry

If you’re in the building and construction industry on any level, you most likely have some form of energy-efficient offering tied to your product or service. Energy efficiency and the “green movement” have reached critical mass

Tue May 6th 2014
Sarah Gibson
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Don’t Skimp On Your Brand Identity

Experts say that building a brand identity involves more than just selling at an affordable price or providing superior products in comparison with your competitors. It involves more than just a business mission statement, logo or tagline.

Tue Apr 8th 2014
Mark Reino
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Best Practices in Responsive Web Design

Suppose your company is looking to update its web presence into 2014 and beyond. You’ve been happy with your existing website but you know it’s time to go in a new direction. You think it’s all about having

Tue Mar 11th 2014
John Sternal
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23-Point Checklist For B2B Trade Show Marketers

January is an important month for the automotive marketers. Between the North American International Auto Show and the National Automobile Dealers Association Conference & Expo (NADA), the entire world of automotive and auto finance comes together

Tue Feb 11th 2014
John Sternal
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Top Marketing Trends for 2014

With 2013 coming to a close, marketers have set their sights on what seems to be a completely digital 2014. All signs point toward a shift in satisfying digital consumer needs, as companies begin their planning and budgeting for the new year.

Tue Nov 19th 2013
Sarah Gibson
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Media Tours: Taking Your Message On The Road

You may have been thinking about generating more publicity for your brand, product or service. Most likely you know how valuable this can be in driving overall awareness and positioning you as a credible leader within your industry.

Wed Nov 13th 2013
John Sternal
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What We Learned From Launch

Businesses can learn some valuable lessons from the U.S. Government’s launch of website. The challenges began once the government launched the website for use, midnight of October 1st. Several problems occurred when users tried to access the site.

Mon Nov 11th 2013
John Sternal
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