Merit Mile Staff Trades Keyboards for Hammers to Help Habitat for Humanity

Despite tough economic times that have many small businesses preoccupied simply with surviving, some companies are still finding the time to give back to their local community. That’s what Merit Mile Communications, a full-service marketing agency located in Boca Raton, FL, demonstrated on a recent Friday by sending its entire staff to a Habitat for Humanity construction site in Boynton Beach.

Sporting company t-shirts, everyone picked up tools and got to work. Some of the team climbed up on the roof and started nailing down plywood. Others on the ground crew staged materials, cut boards and removed debris. “We always stress to our clients the importance of collaboration and plain old hard work. This was an opportunity to really walk the walk,” said Mark Reino, president of the forward-thinking firm. “Building a house is conceptually similar to developing and executing a marketing strategy. It has to start with a solid foundation and requires attention to details to make a noticeable impact.”

The Merit Mile team, whom the agency compensated for regular working hours, found the experience gratifying. Unsuspected talents were discovered, and even a graphic designer who was a complete novice at construction was expertly handling a nail gun by the end of the day. “Habitat for Humanity makes it easy for companies to get involved, and I recommend the experience to other businesses,” said Reino. “When we give back to the community and help put a roof over a family in need, it shows that anything can be accomplished when people join forces”.