Creating and Seizing Momentum in 2011

Over the last few months we have had so many fun and unique professional opportunities that I wanted to kick-start this newsletter with a quick summary of recent events. With any luck, you will not only grasp the essence of the business value we are delivering to our clients, but also recognize just how much we have evolved as an agency (and how much fun we’ve had doing it) since the last time you checked in with us.

In typical Merit Mile fashion we simply had to close out 2010 with a celebration that allowed all of us to forget about projects and deadlines for a few hours, and say thanks to the valuable friends and partners that helped make it a great year. If you were unable to join us for the year-end celebration, please check out the photo album to see what you missed. With momentum on our side we’ve leapt faithfully into 2011, and the new year, so far, has not disappointed. Our work with Microsoft Corp. has evolved into more strategic assignments such as writing, designing, and producing materials for the launch of Windows® Phone 7 to select members of their partner ecosystem.

Also, Merit Mile is now responsible for tier 1 and tier 2 SPLA licensing support; a daily rhythm of providing consultative guidance to global audiences on critical service provider licensing matters. And of course, our stewardship of Microsoft Hosting University, now available in six languages, allows worldwide resellers and partners to grasp the standard offerings as well as the complex intricacies of the Windows hosting stack in a frictionless, self-service manner. Beyond Microsoft, we have also been busy crafting marketing solutions for an interesting variety of clients. Among them, Compass Institutional Marketing – a software company dedicated to streamlining the process of programmatic data entry for a niche market within the financial services industry.

In the pro-bono arena, Merit Mile refreshed and re-launched, the vital home pickup service supporting Aid to Victims of Domestic Abuse. What’s more? In March we had the humble pleasure of winning 5 ADDY® awards for our creative work across radio, web, and print advertising in 2010. Suffice to say, we are creating and seizing momentum, and hope you find these articles and best practices useful.

For more on how we can potentially do the same for your organization, please reach out via phone or email at the channels listed below.

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