Teladoc Health and Microsoft create co-sell pipeline and penetrate the healthcare C-suite with an ABM campaign

Teladoc Health and Microsoft partnered with Merit Mile to develop a provocative thought leadership and Account Based Marketing (ABM) campaign, showcasing AI’s impact on virtual healthcare solutions. Teaming up with HIMSS Media, the campaign delivered C-suite BANT-qualified leads to fuel the Teladoc Health and Microsoft co-sell pipeline.


Microsoft and Teladoc Health had a shared business objective of generating new sales opportunities within a specific set of target account companies. They wanted to create a mid-funnel pipeline for Teladoc Health virtual healthcare solutions, especially SoloTM with Teams, which integrates the Teladoc Health corporate virtual care platform with the communication and collaboration of Microsoft Teams.

The campaign needed to move quickly, from planning to delivering a pre-set goal of qualified leads all within a single quarter. However, they encountered three major obstacles: the internal teams lacked the time and resources to plan and run a campaign successfully, they needed to craft a persuasive joint value proposition that highlighted the strategic partnership between Microsoft and Teladoc Health, and they needed to engage with a very niche C-level audience within their target accounts.

To overcome these challenges, they partnered with Merit Mile, a full-service marketing agency with deep expertise in Microsoft partner marketing and ABM. Merit Mile helped them develop a thought leadership and ABM campaign, showcasing AI's impact on virtual healthcare solutions and how Teladoc Health and Microsoft are leading the way in this space.


Merit Mile started by studying the target account list to craft an ideal customer profile (ICP) and develop joint value proposition messaging, laying the campaign foundation. Simultaneously, we audited Teladoc Health’s existing marketing collateral, such as whitepapers, videos, and eBooks, to identify suitable campaign offers. Select marketing assets were co-branded and customized to incorporate Microsoft messaging, which helped accelerate the campaign launch and maximized the available budget for lead generation.

However, Merit Mile identified the need for a compelling campaign anchor that underscored the partnership and industry leadership between Teladoc Health and Microsoft. Merit Mile proposed a panel conversation, which would highlight the symbiotic partnership and underscore the pivotal role of AI in virtual healthcare.

Merit Mile partnered with HIMSS Media, a trusted and proven ABM leader in healthcare, that has demonstrated past success for us with previous campaigns including Microsoft and Nuance. This strategic relationship ensured smooth execution and leveraged HIMSS expertise in healthcare technology, maximizing the campaign’s engagement with our target audience.  

Teladoc Health Microsoft Case Study Solution Virtual healthcare and AI ABM demand generation case study


Teladoc Health Microsoft Case Study ScreenshotTeladoc Health Microsoft Case Study Results

For the cornerstone thought leadership offer, Merit Mile orchestrated the strategy, coordination, and production of a video featuring a healthcare industry executive from Microsoft and the President of Hospital and Health Systems at Teladoc Health. This content was strategically repurposed into three formats—a PDF for reading, a video for viewing, and a podcast for on-the-go listening—ensuring prospects could conveniently engage with the content wherever they were.

Once Merit Mile-produced the campaign elements—landing pages, emails, offers, etc.—the campaign went live with an aggressive goal of 160 BANT qualified leads within eight weeks. Leads were qualified using a BANT framework, verifying budget, authority, needs, and timeframe before being accepted. The campaign surpassed expectations, meeting the goal in just six weeks. To ensure the quality of lead opportunities, Merit Mile and HIMSS used a BANT-style qualified lead campaign, which involved a double touch strategy. This method made sure that leads interacted with Teladoc Health content at least twice and gave qualified answers to BANT discovery questions, thus removing early-stage leads and delivering high-value prospects.

Merit Mile performed weekly quality control checks on the leads, making sure they met the target criteria, and built live campaign dashboards that showed performance metrics, analytics, and useful insights. As expected, the campaign successfully reached the desired C-suite and leadership audience, fulfilling its goals on budget, faster than planned, and with outstanding performance.

Building on the success, Microsoft and Teladoc Health tapped Merit Mile for a second campaign expanding into additional target accounts. In parallel, Merit Mile developed a sales enablement playbook for Microsoft and Teladoc sellers, with the training and tools needed to efficiently co-sell and articulate the joint value proposition to customers, driving continued success and revenue growth.

Merit Mile Turnkey Campaign Services

  • Marketing and campaign strategy
  • Media buy and vendor management
  • Campaign execution and optimization
  • Campaign reporting and analytics
  • Copywriting and creative design
Lead Chart
Learn more about how Merit Mile can support your ABM, demand generation, and content marketing goals by contacting

Your Merit Mile Team

Scott Lindars

Scott Lindars

Marketing +
Business Strategy

Saul Darville

Saul Darville


Mitch Curry

Mitch Curry


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About Merit Mile

Established in 2007 in Boca Raton, FL, Merit Mile is a marketing services provider focused on helping companies and corporate marketing departments build brands, drive sales revenue, and garner publicity in their respective industries. Our unique differentiator at Merit Mile is our ability to 100% own the message, the publicity, and the demand generation aspects of the corporate marketing function. Clients hire us and rehire us for our ability to refine their messaging/value proposition, develop top and mid-funnel leads, and get the type of editorial publicity that differentiates them from their competitors. From branding to PR to demand generation, Merit Mile is the high-octane fuel that invigorates corporate growth engines. To learn more, please email us at, call us at 1-561-362-888, or visit us at

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